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Dog Bite Injuries

California Dog Bite Lawyer 

California Dog Bite Lawyer 

Most people love to pet a dog, even someone else’s. In return, most dogs just love the attention. Many restaurants and retailers allow customers to bring their pets when they visit. PetSmart, Petco, and many other retailers welcome leashed pets in their stores while owners shop. However, what happens when the dog attacks and there's an injury? If you have been injured by another person's dog, you need to call a California dog bite lawyer to help you recover compensation. Contact our personal injury lawyers today. 

Roughly 53% of American homes include a dog, usually just one. We love our dogs, whether big or small, single breed or mixed. In addition to great companionship, dogs are ideal “burglar alarms,” letting us know something’s wrong.

But not all dogs are lovable pups. Dogs allowed to run at large can be dangerous, especially to children who don’t understand that not all animals are friendly. It happens quickly, and you or your child are bitten. In this case, you need to visit a doctor immediately.

After an injury from a dog bite, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries.

Why Do Dogs Bite People?

There are many reasons. When you visit someone’s home or business where a dog is present, a dog bite may be the last thing you expect, even if you’ve been with the dog before. An un-socialized dog or recently adopted one may be unsure in an unfamiliar and new environment. Someone new who gets too close can be frightening to the animal.

The dog may smell your pet and become territorial if you're a pet owner. A dog may bite someone during “protecting the homestead,” such as a burglary. If the dog perceives someone threatening its owner, any puppies, or itself, a bite is its first defense.

Bites can happen without warning. Even a friendly dog that is lost, frightened, in an unfamiliar situation, or is around people it doesn’t know can quickly become defensive and bite someone. Injured, teased, tormented, or abused dogs will also bite in self-defense. Size is irrelevant—a five-pound Chihuahua may viciously bite and injure someone, causing more physical damage than an 85-pound pit bull.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 4.7 million people experience a dog bite yearly in the United States. Half of these victims are children. About 800,000 people need to seek medical attention, and 386,000 require treatment in an emergency room.

Injuries From Dog Bites

A bite can be more than just a skin puncture and a little blood. Because a dog can carry bacteria or diseases, you must take any bite seriously. These bites can accompany more serious injuries such as:

  • Rabies and other severe infections requiring specific or long-term treatment
  • Nerve damage
  • Lacerations and scarring
  • Eye injuries
  • Facial damage, including disfigurement
  • Amputations of small body parts such as ears or the nose

An attack by a dog or other animal that doesn’t involve a bite can lead to injuries similar to a slip and fall:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Soft tissue damages such as joint dislocations
  • Head, back, or neck injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Psychological trauma

Injuries like these can be expensive, disabling, and keep you out of work for an extended period.


Depending on the state, you may not be under a “one-bite” rule. Sixteen states use this law. That means the owner notices the animal is aggressive if a dog bites someone once. The next time it bites, the owner will be held liable for any injuries or damages. One exception is usually if the individual engaged in provoking the animal in question.

Other states like New York and California have no “one-bite” clause. These states have “strict liability,” meaning that an owner is liable for any bites or damages caused by a dog they own, even if they’ve never shown any previous aggression or other problems. In these states, owners do not have the option to use the defense that they were unaware of the dog’s dangerous tendencies or that they took precautions to protect others from the animal.

Should a dog be particularly vicious with a history of biting and/or attacking, a judge can order the animal to be euthanized.

Dog bites are also part of the more significant laws governing premises liability. A property owner, tenant, manager, or employee has a duty of care to ensure that the property is safe for employees, vendors, visitors, and others. When an owner does not take proper precautions to prevent a dog bite, it’s considered “negligence” and a failure to ensure that visitors are safe while on the property.

Recovering Damages

Because a dog bite can be severe, you may end up with severe financial damages such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain & suffering
  • Emotional or psychological trauma
  • Other related damages

Filing a claim over a dog bite can be a very emotional experience, especially if the dog’s owner is a friend or relative. But many dog bite claims are paid by homeowner’s insurance, and a lawsuit may not be necessary unless your case involves surgeries or other therapies.

Note: These damages will vary by individual state laws.

Call Justin Palmer Law Group To Get Help With A Dog Bite Case

The laws surrounding dog bite and premises liability cases are very complex. A dog bite can be a frightening experience, even after friendly interactions with an animal. Our attorneys can help you file a claim with the owner’s insurance company or file a lawsuit if needed.

Speak with one of our dog bite liability attorneys today. Contact us to schedule your free consultation.

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Why Choose Justin Palmer?

If you have been injured in an accident or your civil rights have been violated, you need an agressive lawyer who will fight for you. Justin Palmer is a compassionate and aggressive lawyer who will work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve. He has a proven track record of success, and he will not rest until you get the justice you deserve. Contact Justin Palmer today to schedule a free consultation.

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